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Dream Life in Paris

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Meta Shutdown one of its platform why?


Meta Platforms Inc. is a global technology leader specializing in social media, virtual reality, and augmented reality through its flagship products, including Facebook, Instagram, and Oculus.


Meta Spark,innovative augmented reality (AR) development platform, designed to enable creators to build and deploy interactive AR experiences across various digital environments. Launched to democratize AR creation, Meta Spark provides an intuitive suite of tools that allows users to craft everything from simple filters to complex, interactive effects.

With its user-friendly interface, Meta Spark makes AR development accessible to both fresher and experienced creators, featuring a visual editor, scripting options, and real-time previews. This ease of use encourages creativity, allowing individuals and businesses to develop AR experiences that enhance social media engagement and marketing strategies. Integrated with Meta’s popular platforms like Instagram and Facebook, Meta Spark facilitates the distribution of AR effects to a vast audience, enabling users to enrich their posts and stories with dynamic visual elements.

Meta spark program shutdown

Recently meta officially sent spark users to mail regarding shutdown meta spark platform.As per their mail they have decided to shut down Meta Spark’s platform of third party tools and content, effective January 14, 2025.

The mail start like “After a thorough assessment, we have decided to shut down Meta Spark’s platform of third party tools and content, effective January 14, 2025.
This means that the AR Effects built by third parties – including brands and our wider community of AR Creators – will no longer be available beginning on this date. AR Effects owned by Meta will continue to be available to our users across our Family of Apps. Meta Spark Studio, the Meta Spark Players, and Meta Spark Hub will also go away.
Please know that Meta is committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for our community of creators, businesses, and other people who build and use our third-party AR Effects. You will be able to continue to use the Meta Spark platform to create, publish, and manage AR Effects across Meta’s family of apps until January 14, 2025.”

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Dream Life in Paris

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